Thursday 5 November 2015


I feel good since first entering into this class,  the class is basic helping skills class. This class taught me how to be a good counselor in the future. The approach Dr. Fa use to teach us also fun. Among the topics most interesting to me to learn is 4 units of helping skills. In this chapter a lot of things that must be learned and practiced in  live counseling session. Among those we have learned is how to restate, pharapharase, clarifiying, checking, reflection, questioning and summerizing.
In this chapter, we also learn about Johari's window. This theory all about personality. Johari's window shows how we perceive ourself. If we can understand the Johari's window it can also help we to understands ourselves as well. It has 4 windows.  The first window is known to everyone. Ourselves and others. This is all basic information about ourselves. The second windows is kot known to self but known to others. It like how we walk from behind. Others can see but not ourselves. The third windows is known to self but not known to others. it is all about our secrets  and the last one is not known to anyone. Thats all. tq :)

-Nor Zakiah Zainal 54850-

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