Tuesday 3 November 2015

Anthony Robbins

"What you carry in your bag is what count.Put good things in it and your life will be wonderful"
I was so excited when i heard the idea about carrying bag by Dr Fa during our 3rd/4th week of class.We walk everyday with our visible bag that we put every thought every experience every emotion that we perceive from our environment .This idea remind me of the video i watched 2 years ago by one of the best speaker in America, Anthony Robbins.It was one of the talk he held in US.At the end of his talk one lady stood up with the microphone and started to talk about her problem.She said that she feel so unhappy about her work.She feel that her work is so burdensome that every time she walk into her office she carry a bag full of debt, problem with the colleagues and so much doubt.She feel like quitting the job in order for her to stayed out her problem 
"What if i said that we took that bag you've carried all your life and shot it to the moon.Will it gets better?" That was what Anthony Robbin response to this lady and the lady suddenly smile that you can see the happiness in her face and say "Wow, i feel so happy to go to work! Theres a lot of interesting stuff i can do at work.My job is so wonderful! I can't wait to go to work tomorrow"I was stunted in front my my laptop. Couldn't believe what i just saw! But yes it is.That is how NLP works and the metaphor of the bag your carry.So people, be choosy on the stuff you put in your bag, and if necessary change the bag and live your life the way you want it! 

Najiha Majid 53245

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