Thursday 5 November 2015

Makmal Kausenling Individual dan Kelompok

Today, I have a appointment with senior to doing assessment. I feel so lucky because I have the chance to approach to assessment even though I am Year One first semester student. This is my first time come to makmal kauseling individual dan kelompok. When I step into the room, I found that there are some picture on the wall attract my attention. There are some motivate sentences in the picture. 

"The only time when success come before works is in the dictionary."

"Learn to listen in makes your homework a lot easier."

"Two head are better than one...Learn to share with your friend things you know...and things you don't...You will learn faster this way."

"Together everyone archives more."

"Be consistent in doing your homework...and you will find your exam to be a breeze."

I found that the assessment is very interesting and won't lead the counseling session become boring. The senior is very friendly and patient. She state and give the instruction how to doing the assessment clearly and give me enough time to think and describe what I am seeing. This is a good experience for me to learn the proper way to conduct a assessment.

*Chan Wei Sian, Bird 51409

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