Tuesday 3 November 2015

My Second class Basic Helping Skill

Hello Dr Fa. For my second class of basic helping skills you teach us about effective helper. In this topic it teach us about how the process of helping a client and in this topic also teach us there are three type of helper such as Non-Professional, Para-Professional and Professional helper. So that means to be a counselor we need to trained for four years to be a professional. A professional helping is different from the normal everyday helping. Professional helping is one way process unlike friendship. This is one of the basic skills to be counselor. So the most interesting in the second class is Dr Fa know how to attract our attention when we start to feel sleepy. For example you share something to us such as one of the client problem and how did you manage to help the client, so from this story I try to think how to face with the client and the things that we need to be prepare before the client come to us.

Debra bte Simar

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