Monday 2 November 2015

Every group did a good presentation

Hello~~ Last week, I’ve face a lot of challenges while doing the video assignment. Even though, I’m not the one to be the counsellor or the client in the video, I can tell that it wasn’t easy to do it. We went through trial and error while making the video, and thank goodness we completed it anyway. From my observation, being a counsellor is not easy especially for first year student because we are still new and inexperienced with counselling session. Luckily both counsellor and client managed to get into their role and successfully made it. Besides, when I’m watching other groups’ videos assignment, I really admire with the clients’ courage to share their stories with the counsellor or technically with the whole class and those who become the counsellor did a good job as well :D . By the way, this week will be our turn to present, hope it goes well.

Well, I think that’s all from me, have a good time everyone ^^V

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