Tuesday 3 November 2015


     I have done and passed up my individual assignment on 23/10/15. The assignment was to help us to understand more about self. Through doing the work, I could know myself more as there were topics like managing my own behavior, recalling my life experiences, doing good things exercise, and writing about myself.
    The "Happiness Project" which required us to jot down what three good things we had done in a week time has impacted me: There are lots of good things happen in my lifetime and I should be grateful and be mindful in becoming a joyful person!
    Besides, I also loved the part to write about my family background. This was because when looking at the family picture, I could imagine they were being with me now. I miss them and I am going to see them four days later!

Let's enjoy our Mid-Semester Break SOON!
God bless you all.

Hii Hui Neng (Lily)

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