Friday 6 November 2015


Last week, I have presented a video about the basic helping skill applied in a counseling session. When I know that my group will present that video today, suddenly I feel a little bit shame because I do not think I do not did well that video. Even though I feel nervous and shame...... so what??I must present that video also although I tried to postpone it i just go for it. In that presentation of my group’s video,although I feel shame when i saw it but I got many valuable lessons from that video. What is the most important thing I learn from that video is I learned as a counselor my face’s mimics must be suitable depends on the situation. For example when our client enter the room and I am introduce myself as a counselor. So in that situation I must smile to give my good vibes to a client so that my client will feel comfortable.So if the situation is vice versa from that like if the client told a emotional story so in that context we as a counselor can’t do a unemotional face like nothing happened. So what we must do is we must feel what the client say and I make sure that our face will react correctly in that kind of situation. That is also what Dr Fa and others commented when they saw my videos because honestly i say that i do not know how how to express my facial expression based on the situation. I took what Dr Fa say to me as a lesson and i hope i can improve it what is i lack off. Hoho...okay i feel that i already type too long post and my finger started to cramp. Okay guys that’s for today!!hehe =) 

Experience of the group assignment

After the completion of the present for group assignment I have gained a wealth of experience and lessons learned based on the comments provided by Dr.Fa and also friends. Through this assignment I was able to learn how to use an the techniques, models and theories that have been learned in this subject. The comments that have been given very helpful I and other group members to improve and upgrade their skills and applying what has been learned.

My Opinions

Hi everyone, I would like to share about my opinion for this subject. As we know at the end of this class, we will get some advice or knowledge about this subject. In this class after studying this subjects as a whole chapter I found this subject is very important and helps me to upgrade and improve my basic helping skill. This is because, basic helping skill are very important in the process of helping carry out counselling effectively. This subject also helps someone to improving communication skills. What has been learned after attending this class we should try to apply to situations that come into existence From what has been practiced will make one more perfect.

Road to Final

 After presenting the role play video, I learned and gained some important things from what Dr Fa has told us. It really helps us to understand what we should do in the live session later. Not only that, I can also improve my skills in conducting a better counselling session later. Let's get ready for the real role play and final. Hope the best for everyone and good luck for upcoming final. #RoadToFinal

Thursday 5 November 2015


I feel good since first entering into this class,  the class is basic helping skills class. This class taught me how to be a good counselor in the future. The approach Dr. Fa use to teach us also fun. Among the topics most interesting to me to learn is 4 units of helping skills. In this chapter a lot of things that must be learned and practiced in  live counseling session. Among those we have learned is how to restate, pharapharase, clarifiying, checking, reflection, questioning and summerizing.
In this chapter, we also learn about Johari's window. This theory all about personality. Johari's window shows how we perceive ourself. If we can understand the Johari's window it can also help we to understands ourselves as well. It has 4 windows.  The first window is known to everyone. Ourselves and others. This is all basic information about ourselves. The second windows is kot known to self but known to others. It like how we walk from behind. Others can see but not ourselves. The third windows is known to self but not known to others. it is all about our secrets  and the last one is not known to anyone. Thats all. tq :)

-Nor Zakiah Zainal 54850-

MId Term Exam

A few weeks ago we had a mid term exam. For me it's quite easy and everyone seemed they can answered it. But seriously, although it's quite easy you must read it or you will regret it. Mid term exam is very important because it will carry mark for us in final exam which will be held at the end of the semester. For your information, in final exam it's not an paper exam but it's a live helping session with your client. So, you must polish your helping skills to make sure you get a flying colour  in this subject. That's all , tq .

Makmal Kausenling Individual dan Kelompok

Today, I have a appointment with senior to doing assessment. I feel so lucky because I have the chance to approach to assessment even though I am Year One first semester student. This is my first time come to makmal kauseling individual dan kelompok. When I step into the room, I found that there are some picture on the wall attract my attention. There are some motivate sentences in the picture. 

"The only time when success come before works is in the dictionary."

"Learn to listen in makes your homework a lot easier."

"Two head are better than one...Learn to share with your friend things you know...and things you don't...You will learn faster this way."

"Together everyone archives more."

"Be consistent in doing your homework...and you will find your exam to be a breeze."

I found that the assessment is very interesting and won't lead the counseling session become boring. The senior is very friendly and patient. She state and give the instruction how to doing the assessment clearly and give me enough time to think and describe what I am seeing. This is a good experience for me to learn the proper way to conduct a assessment.

*Chan Wei Sian, Bird 51409
hey everyone! =) for me so far the basic helping skills subject help me so much with the lecturer was so kind and always give a feedback for her student..I think I just met myself through this know what the kind of it right?I'm also happy with myself because I use to started to love this subject for month to month..every we have done with our BHS class, many positive feedback that I got and then I reflect and related to, I agreed with the one of the statement in Ellis theory that said every people that sometimes comes for their irrational includes the therapist..I related his statement to one in this world is perfect but we can improved our weakness to be a better person..many that I've learnt from that counselling classes and I thinks its help me so much..honestly from my heart~aishah :) wassalam...<3
Assalamualaikum..honestly, for me to be a trainee counselor is not easy at by day its become more difficult and more challenging especially for the first year student I guess..even we doesn't have anything practicum to make a deal yet but we can feel the difficulties as a effective helper..but I tried harder to make it calm and more relax for myself..I become more nervous during the midterm exam for basic helping skills because I felt exhausted with my own preparation that was not satisfied for myself..but I kept think positively and do my best for that paper..I hope we all can score with an excellent result! ^_^

A Room For Improvement

Last week, our group is the first group to present our task. It is not very satisfying since I haven't prepared myself so I just simply said anything that came to mind. But yet, as a student we have to know how to talk in front of other people without a text prepared.

For our task, we are required to record a live session between a helper and a helpee. All this time while attending the class, I can only learn all the skills and techniques theoretically. By doing this assignment, I be able to see how the techniques works in real live session. Not to mention, I am facing a bit confusion between paraphrasing and restating since both are quite similar in their on way. But after having some discussion and role play with my group member, I finally understand the difference between paraphrasing and restating.

I am having fun doing this task. It is not like we are doing this for the sake of our marks, but throughout this video making, I learnt a lot of things. I learnt how to handle my frustration when the video doesn't come out the way I want, I learnt how to be a good helper, I learnt how to use all the techniques and skills we learn in class, I learnt many things that can equipped me to be a good counselor in a future.

It has been such a great time attending Dr Fa class. We left with only a few weeks before semester 1 ended. I wish Dr Fa will be teaching us again in future. May all of us get the maximum benefit from this class.


happiness is when........

happiness is when...

helping other people.

It is a satisfaction for me if i can help people. im not yet a counsellor but a friend comes seeking for help, sharing problems, asking for advices, im used to it. i am happy to help people as long as i can help. "we cant help everyone, but everyone can help someone" (Ronald Reagan). applying all the helping skills while helping people is another satisfaction for me. applying all the skills in daily life is actually a proof telling that we are really understand the lectures that have been delivered during class time. isn't its satisfying when you know that you can master certain skills? yes is my answer. for the ending of my posts i would like to share some pictures that inspired me a lot. 

Assalamualaikum and I hope you all have a good day as a UNIMAS student since you all at a me, basic helping skills subject is quiet interesting for those who have interest in counselling course..and honestly I have a full of interest in counselling at the first during my stpm..but at last all of that was disappeared..but now I tried to opened my eyes to accept all of this..but so far I think I've already met myself through this subject that suitable with my soul..I hope that we all one day together become a successful caunselor!sorry for my broken muet during stpm were just band 1 =)

nervous is the tradition

today is the day. supposely. we must submit our group assignment for the basic helping skills 's class. and i think i really being controlled my anxiety. i got so nervous since i'm afraid i can't performed well for my group. i may take them down or lowered the group's mark. but then, they saw me acting abnormally. so, they talked to me and gave advised me. then, i back to normal as they gave me the morale support. thanks to them.

its for yourself

forgive and forget. its not for them but for yourself. not forgiving people means you are creating the unfinish bussiness in yourself. its really unhealthy and may leads to an unhealthy thinking mind. dr. fa did said in previous class that its okay if you are not forgetting the event or memory, but still you have to forgive them. remember.. its for yourself.

Presentation Week & Group Assigment

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone..

Last week during the Basic Helping Skills class we do the presentation for our group assigment. But my group stiil not do the presentation because we dont have enough time. So, we will present it in this week. About the group assigment, Dr.Fa ask us to do a video about how counselling session is done. When I saw my others friend groups do the group presentation I feel like they do so well in that assigment and I feel like my group assigment is the worse  if I compare with them. Anyways, me and the others two of my group members is already doing our best and I just hope our group assigment is following the criteria that Dr. Fa want. Okay, that all for today. Bye byee

Nervous about my exam. I have butterflies in my stomach

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone.. 
I want to share my stories about two week ago. On 22 October 2015 we have an Basic Helping Skills Midterm exam. Before the exam, I  feel so nervous because I scared that I cannot answers well and will fail in the exam. During the week of exam I cannot sleep so well too because I think so much whether I can do well or not. The others things that make me nervous and scared too is when I do the revision for that BHS subject I also cannot focus so well because I think too much. Eventhough the exam already pass but I still feel so nervous because I scared to know the result of the midterm exam. I just hope my result is okay and not failed. Hehehehehe... Bye bye

Wednesday 4 November 2015

assignment is helping

after finishing the group assignment; the play role, i got to know how the real counselling session looks like. from there, i know where to apply all the basic helping skills that have been taught in the class. i managed to have my client to talk more by using the skills although she has social communication disorder (in the play role). and i think the reason why the counselling session is succeed is because i apply the concept of congruency, respect and empathy.

Forgive And Forget

Assalamualaikum And Good Morning Everyone !

How do you forgive someone who caused you so much pain in the past?Someone who supposed to be there for you but was not there when you needed them the most.This person is close to me but try as I may I am not at all comfortable around this person.Sometimes I don't even feel like speaking to this person.

Now,the person is trying to make a change but to be honest I am finding so hard to act lovingly with the person.Please good future counselor,I need advice on how truly forgive and forget about what this person did to me in the past.I want to let the past be history but :( I am finding it difficult...

In our class before i still remember what Dr Fa said “you have to forgive,and you will forget :)

i found this answer from someone called Anonymous :

“Yus,you dont need to forget before you can forgive..(in as much as you are not suffering from memory loss)..Forgive the person and move on with your life,If the person tries to be too close,which you may not be interested in,set boundaries,be careful with the person,let what happened before should happen again,FORGIVE COMPLETELY,its good for your health,dont try to refer to what happened before,just live your live and be wise enough in relating
with the person.May Allah ease everything..


Yussaini Amri Bin Ishah

Tuesday 3 November 2015


Actually, not easy to be a client and to share our problems with another person. This is my first time share my problem with another person. Before, I only share my problem with someone who close with me only. It was not easy, but I must try and thanks to my group mates because helps and support me to share my problems. At first, i'm feel not comfortable to share my problems but a comfortable feeling comes when a  counselor makes a therapeutic relationship with the clients. Therapeutic environment is also important to make sure that the clients feel comfortable during the ongoing sessions. From this assignment, I also can imagine how to become a counselor soon. We must use all helping skills that we learned such as restate, pharaphase, clarifying, checking, reflection, summarizing and questioning. So many things I have to learned to make sure all helping skills that i have learn can be practiced well. At last, I feel so happy because have done share my problems. So, I hope that my group will get the best marks from this video!
-Nor Zakiah Zainal 54850-


My God, last week my group become a first group present our video to our classmates! As usuall, when become a first group, our classmate will give their more attension to watch our video. Seriously,  I feel so shy at that time!  So far, my group get a positive feedback from our lecturer. So, good luck for the next group :)


Anthony Robbins

"What you carry in your bag is what count.Put good things in it and your life will be wonderful"
I was so excited when i heard the idea about carrying bag by Dr Fa during our 3rd/4th week of class.We walk everyday with our visible bag that we put every thought every experience every emotion that we perceive from our environment .This idea remind me of the video i watched 2 years ago by one of the best speaker in America, Anthony Robbins.It was one of the talk he held in US.At the end of his talk one lady stood up with the microphone and started to talk about her problem.She said that she feel so unhappy about her work.She feel that her work is so burdensome that every time she walk into her office she carry a bag full of debt, problem with the colleagues and so much doubt.She feel like quitting the job in order for her to stayed out her problem 
"What if i said that we took that bag you've carried all your life and shot it to the moon.Will it gets better?" That was what Anthony Robbin response to this lady and the lady suddenly smile that you can see the happiness in her face and say "Wow, i feel so happy to go to work! Theres a lot of interesting stuff i can do at work.My job is so wonderful! I can't wait to go to work tomorrow"I was stunted in front my my laptop. Couldn't believe what i just saw! But yes it is.That is how NLP works and the metaphor of the bag your carry.So people, be choosy on the stuff you put in your bag, and if necessary change the bag and live your life the way you want it! 

Najiha Majid 53245

Don't Give Up Yet, You're So Near!

Good morning everyone,we were so happy that finally we had done with our group project.Frankly, this is one of my biggest project of the semester.It wasn't easy, but with the help and support of all our group member, we made it! I was so happy when the video and the report has been successfully done.Our effort were finally paid off! I still remember the night before our class presentation, we were so worried as the video cannot be played and something goes wrong with the subtitle.As the video editor i was about to give up but my others member keep supporting me.Staying by my side all night just to help me editing the video.I may say that without them the project couldn't be done this well.Thanks for the support guys

Najiha Majid 53245

My 3rd Class of BHS

Hai Dr Fa.

For my 3rd class in this class we are be teach about the Model and Theories in unit 2. In this topic we can apply the DASIE model for the first time we meet with the client. Other than that we learn about the theory of counselling and the theory is Cognitive Behavior Therapy by Dr Aaron T. Beck and it teach me about from the way we think it will effect to my action, so I must be thinking positive in anything that i want to do so my action also be positive.

Other than that, I also have learn to be more understand the differences of Empathy and Sympathy. This two of things must be balance in the counselor self. Empathy means the ability of counselor to feel the client and convey this understanding back to the client so when the client can feel the counselor being understand and appreciative on her or him that will the client proceed with his or her self-exploration.

So this is what counselor must learn to be a good counselor. From this topic I also must to apply this things to be a good counselor to help people.

Debra bte Simar

My Second class Basic Helping Skill

Hello Dr Fa. For my second class of basic helping skills you teach us about effective helper. In this topic it teach us about how the process of helping a client and in this topic also teach us there are three type of helper such as Non-Professional, Para-Professional and Professional helper. So that means to be a counselor we need to trained for four years to be a professional. A professional helping is different from the normal everyday helping. Professional helping is one way process unlike friendship. This is one of the basic skills to be counselor. So the most interesting in the second class is Dr Fa know how to attract our attention when we start to feel sleepy. For example you share something to us such as one of the client problem and how did you manage to help the client, so from this story I try to think how to face with the client and the things that we need to be prepare before the client come to us.

Debra bte Simar

My First Day of impression

Hai Dr Fah. For the first time i enter this class i got a little bit excited because its about learning the basic helping skills and before this i used to be a PRS at my school. So i am thinking is it the same as i learn at the school before this. Yeah,it just the same but in this class it more details from what i have learn before this. i was so happy because i can develop more about how to be a good helper and the basic skill to be a counselor. It was a one of my favorite class. 

Debra bte Simar 51607


     I have done and passed up my individual assignment on 23/10/15. The assignment was to help us to understand more about self. Through doing the work, I could know myself more as there were topics like managing my own behavior, recalling my life experiences, doing good things exercise, and writing about myself.
    The "Happiness Project" which required us to jot down what three good things we had done in a week time has impacted me: There are lots of good things happen in my lifetime and I should be grateful and be mindful in becoming a joyful person!
    Besides, I also loved the part to write about my family background. This was because when looking at the family picture, I could imagine they were being with me now. I miss them and I am going to see them four days later!

Let's enjoy our Mid-Semester Break SOON!
God bless you all.

Hii Hui Neng (Lily)

Monday 2 November 2015

Every group did a good presentation

Hello~~ Last week, I’ve face a lot of challenges while doing the video assignment. Even though, I’m not the one to be the counsellor or the client in the video, I can tell that it wasn’t easy to do it. We went through trial and error while making the video, and thank goodness we completed it anyway. From my observation, being a counsellor is not easy especially for first year student because we are still new and inexperienced with counselling session. Luckily both counsellor and client managed to get into their role and successfully made it. Besides, when I’m watching other groups’ videos assignment, I really admire with the clients’ courage to share their stories with the counsellor or technically with the whole class and those who become the counsellor did a good job as well :D . By the way, this week will be our turn to present, hope it goes well.

Well, I think that’s all from me, have a good time everyone ^^V

Now I understand myself more

Hi everyone, before mid-sem break I want to share how I feel when attending BHS class. Aside from learning purpose, BHS class teaches me to know myself more and to be aware of how I think. Somehow, when I understand myself I also could understand others. Even though we are learning based on power point slides, I was able to concentrate with the whole lessons in the class because I received a lot of beneficial information and knowledge from Dr Fa. Plus, I really enjoy and interested to hear Dr Fa’s experienced as a counselor because it gives me an insight of a counselor job.

 Thanks for reading though!! ◕‿◕