Friday 30 October 2015

Sit Back and Relax~

    Today, there was no lecture but only the group presentation on live helping session. I felt relaxed as I could just sit back and relax by watching all the hard work conveying in videos done by my course mates. I enjoyed the videos and learned a lot from what my course mates did. I could learn from them on how to apply the techniques and skills learned in class on a helping session. Some of them did very well by applying a few theories in the session.
    I hope the video done by our group will be enjoyed by others too. Our work will be presented by next week as the computer in the class failed to support the format of our video.
    I wish that everything will be going on smoothly and then we can enjoy our Mid Semester Break!
God bless everyone!

Hii Hui Neng (Lily)

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