Friday 30 October 2015

Group Presentation

  Yesterday is not a lecture class but is the group presentation for our video of group assignment which is live counseling session. From other group's presentation, I found that there are different way to application of helping skills from different group. Humans is an unique organism because different people has different understanding or perception about an evidence. I learn the proper way to using helping skills in counseling session from my course mates during the presentation. I see all the helper in the video are so nervous and always think about what to sat next and I believe that I will feel nervous like them when I am a helper too. I found that I need to do more practice to improve myself to become a better helper. I feel grateful that I have the opportunity to doing this assignment so that I can know my weakness and learn from other friends.
  My group can't do the presentation due to the format of video can not support by Windows. I wish my group member and I can have a good presentation next week and we can enjoy to the max during our mid-semester break!!!

*Chan Wei Sian, Bird (51409)

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