Saturday 3 October 2015

It is totally different !!

After finish the lessons on basic helping skills , i found that it is different from what i thought as i think that being a counselor is more like giving them advise to help them go through their problems but soon i found that it is wrong as a professional counselor ,we just can help them find the ways and we can just lead them to the best way but cant give them order or solutions , the best counselor is doing the less things . 
besides that , i at first think that the best ways to build up trust is by being his/her friends but once again i found that it is wrong as we can only use self-disclosure to introduce ourself and have to clearly understand that it is 1 ways pathways and the counselling sessions is best conducted in the counselling lab .

the most important is the counselor must have a good self -exploration and understand self well as only by knowing self well , then we can help our clients .

Quote of the day - Pain is what u pay , Success is what u get

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