Friday 2 October 2015

Lesson for today :)

Evening everyone. Today's class were very special because Dr Fa prepared us a big fan because of this hot day. We gained more knowledge today as we learned about helping relationship. As she told us about her experiences through all her old days we gained to know more about helping people with various kind of skills. I summarize today's lessons that we as a counselor,we should not order nor instruct our client to accept our idea but together discuss with them about the best solution so they feel comfortable to do so. Plus,we should strictly avoid asking for confirmation on a divorce case because as a professional counselor,we should show them a right path instead of agree to most of their problem and giving advice to them. Everyone can give an advice but as a counselor,we should torch them a right path. The most important thing,we should know our self before we tend to know others more. Additionally,as a counselor we should not be "poyo" and have a unrealistic belief but a reasonable expectation. Try to get well with the client by using self-disclosure but it has a limit. Well,thats all for today. Thank you

~Nurul Afiqah bt Zekeria (53409)~

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