Thursday 8 October 2015

Never Judge The Book By Its Cover


In previous class, I learnt one theory which is Person Centered Theory. This theory is trying to implement 3 basic elements in counseling session. Congruency, Empathy and Respect. Congruency in simpler meaning according to Dr. Fa is khusyuk. Empathy is the ability to get in others shoes and be able to get out. While Respect is the element that have touch me to the deepest. Respect in other words is unconditional postive regards. this element has taught me not to judge people before we get to know them in person. Our client came from different background. There are many reasons why people are behaving the way they are. basically after attending this class I have learnt to look at people in different point of view. Looking forward to the next class!

Nur Syafiqah Binti Jumadi (53285)

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