Monday 12 October 2015

Developing to a Profesional Counselor


After attending the class and learnt about Unit 3, I finally got a more clearer idea about Helper-Helpee relationship. Now I know that a Helper-Helpee relationship is not only beneficial to the helpee but also the helper! The helper can learn something new in every cases because different cases different background of the client and also different point of view. I was really excited by just imagining myself as a profesional counselor.

In this unit, we are also learnt about Perry's Stages. Perry's Stages explain about how a helper develops. In the first stage, The Dualistic or Right/Wrong Stage, trainee often believe that there is only one right way to respond to client's statement or situation. Trainee are facing trouble to focus because they are busy thinking about what to ask next. For myself, I think I still in this phase. I tend to not focusing to the client's statement since I was nervous myself for not knowing what to ask next.

Second stage is The Multiplistic Stage. The helper become comfortable with the knowledge that there is no one right answer at any moment in the helping process.

The third stage is The Relativistic Stage. The trainee at this stage is more relax and cool. He or she know how to give appropriate reason.

I wish I and my fellow friends will be in the third stage before we are starting our second year. Best of luck to all of you!

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