Monday 5 October 2015

Relationship Between Helper & Helpee

     Hey guys! In previous lessons we have learned about helping relationship. As a helper, we should have a strong bonding with our clients. But how?? BUILD A TRUST. For sure they will need some time to build a trust on their helper. Some people are really hard to trust others especially an outsider. That's the reason why we should shows our sincerity and make they feel comfortable with us as a helper.
     I can see that people may judged and make many assumptions about us whether in positively or negatively and we do will faced this matter with our clients in the future. But we need to put it aside and try our best to get coped with this situation. If we shows our positive aura, I'm sure that our client can feel it and easily build a good relationship with us. Having a good relationship with others especially with or client also can showed that we are an effective helper. I think i'll stop here. Till then, bye! :)

Alyeca bt. Eric (51158)

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