Monday 5 October 2015

If We Help People,God Will help Us

Alhamdulillah, I thanked Allah because I find this  "Basic Helping Skills where I could not meet class where Lecturer someone very positive is our beloved lecturer Dr Fatahyah Yahya.

Before attends to this class I think this class just usual helping class which already integrated inself and consider this class like first aid classbut I wrong on the other hand, class "basic helping skills is class which teaches much further on basic skill help where a lot of people today would like others but way carried out is wrong and not suitable. This is because, less knowledge on skills.Since learn Unit 1 "Helper Effective" I have found 1001 new way to become an effective helper.i would like to borow a words form Dr Fa below;

"if we really sincere towards clientclient will like and love with us"

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