Sunday 11 October 2015

Reflect Yourself With Johari Window

When i was in the tutorial room 2 ,Dr Fa introduced us to know ourselves a model of Johari window model ,when I diligently listen to the Dr Fa, I felt Johari window model has really made ​​me wake up and gasped in which I had been too so he 's hiding something  causing harm to myself emotionally disturbed me .

when I tried to make a test Johari window I found I had been carrying the burden of a lot and like the Dr Fa said "we have a beautiful bag , but the bag was used for collecting garbage , when we came across the garbage ,we collect enter into a beautiful bag it , Therefore ,the bag still has no value ,even beautiful because in the bag was filled with a load of rubbish .after understanding this model , I talked to myself that I needed to make changes in me !

quotes for today : 'over the years,we have brought many load without realizing ! momento !

Figure 1 :  The Johari Window

The Johari Window was invented by Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham in the 1950s as a model for mapping personality awareness. .

sources : youtube


Yussaini Amri Bin Ishah

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