Friday 30 October 2015

Group Presentation

  Yesterday is not a lecture class but is the group presentation for our video of group assignment which is live counseling session. From other group's presentation, I found that there are different way to application of helping skills from different group. Humans is an unique organism because different people has different understanding or perception about an evidence. I learn the proper way to using helping skills in counseling session from my course mates during the presentation. I see all the helper in the video are so nervous and always think about what to sat next and I believe that I will feel nervous like them when I am a helper too. I found that I need to do more practice to improve myself to become a better helper. I feel grateful that I have the opportunity to doing this assignment so that I can know my weakness and learn from other friends.
  My group can't do the presentation due to the format of video can not support by Windows. I wish my group member and I can have a good presentation next week and we can enjoy to the max during our mid-semester break!!!

*Chan Wei Sian, Bird (51409)

Sit Back and Relax~

    Today, there was no lecture but only the group presentation on live helping session. I felt relaxed as I could just sit back and relax by watching all the hard work conveying in videos done by my course mates. I enjoyed the videos and learned a lot from what my course mates did. I could learn from them on how to apply the techniques and skills learned in class on a helping session. Some of them did very well by applying a few theories in the session.
    I hope the video done by our group will be enjoyed by others too. Our work will be presented by next week as the computer in the class failed to support the format of our video.
    I wish that everything will be going on smoothly and then we can enjoy our Mid Semester Break!
God bless everyone!

Hii Hui Neng (Lily)

Thursday 29 October 2015

Tick Tock ~Time is Running Out!

    Tick tock, tick tock... The time has passed so quickly.  
    At this late night, we are still rushing on in completing our video for our group assignment in CAIS. And tomorrow is the due date of this assignment! We have spent quite a long time working hard on it as we are unsatisfied with the work we have done and keep editing and adding things to make our work better and better. Every of our group members look so tired but we still do it happily as we work and accompany each other throughout this assignment. We will finish it well and pass up in time tomorrow!
     God bless everyone!

Hii Hui Neng (Lily)

Wednesday 28 October 2015

My Very First Time As A Client

Firstly, I feel very appreciate that Dr Fa give us a group assignment which is carry out a counseling session. In the assignment, I get the opportunity to be a client. I feel very nervous because this is my first time to be a client and take part in a counseling session. I found that is too difficult for a client to express their feeling, thought and emotion deeper and deeper. However, encouragement of counselor is very important to help the client talk more about their issue and express their emotion and feeling. Although I am not a counselor in this counseling session but I still can learn the helping skills and theory from my group members. There are a lot of words and sentences we use wrongly, but we able to correct it very well after discussion. I feel that this is a very good experience and good practice for us about the proper way to using helping skills and how the counseling session is carry out. I believe that all the counseling student can performance better in live counseling session in the future through this assignment.

Good luck all my fellow friends :D
* Chan Wei Sian, Bird (51409)

Saturday 24 October 2015

SOAP not just a cleanser!

Assalamualaikum and good evening I bid to all. Today I would like to share about SOAP or we could mention it as the format of case notes writing. It is actually a guideline to construct our case notes on every cases we handle. the letter S stand for subjective where it means information reported by client for instance feelings and reactions. Then letter O stand for objective that consist of results of the counsellor's and other assessment administered for example expression and dressing. Next, Assessment is the counsellor impression on client generated by data, diagnostic and clinical impression. Lastly, plans where it is a diagnosis and treatment plan along with any modification.
A little bit dry but I hope that it will be useful since that this course is really interesting.
Thank you.

Tuesday 20 October 2015

First try as a counselor

Today, my group and I conduct a live session for our group assignment. I play a role as a counselor.. It not easy to create a therapeutic relationship.. We must skilful enough to conduct a counselling sessions.. I do a lot of mistakes.. I still can see my skills are not there yet.. but, I think I can improve my skills.. that why we learn basic helping skills right? Practise makes perfect.. I hope I can perform better in the next sessions..

Tuesday 13 October 2015


Today in this basic helping skill class, I had learn about helping skills called Johari Window. This technique is developed by Joe and Henry in 19 centuries. Joe and Henry describe this Johari Window techniques as a rectangular that have four quadrant in there. In the first quadrant is a public or coffee shop section. The public or coffee shop is a perspective of others that same to the object what we see.This is a fact that are known to others. For example Ali see the coffee shop and everyone in that area see the coffee shop will perceive it as a coffee shop too. Second quadrant is about a thing that not known to self that called blind spot or bad breath. For example what I learn in Dr Fa’s class yesterday is I cant see and know what is my back looked like when I walking but others can see it. So that is blind spot or bad breath section.

In the third quadrant, it is a hidden or treasure section. This section is are categorized by known to others.Hidden or treasure is a feeling and the past experience that we doesn’t want other people know. For example if we have a bad experience like we have been raped we want to keep this as our secret and do not want others now about that. The last section is unknown area or subconscious.This section is classified in the not known to others. The beat of our heart and what happen in our body are all in our subconscious mind. Dr.Fa said that if we want to clear our mind blockage we must accept and embrace our self what we are have in hidden and treasure section and blind spot or bad breath section. If we have too much burden in our mind it will have negative effect in our life like easy to get tempered,blaming other people what have happened and can’t accept our self. So, in other to do that you must get out that burden and only tell that hidden thought only to the trusted people and then you must accept it fully to remove that blockage.It is like an analogy that we carrying too much weight and unuseful things in our bag so in other to reduce that we must let go things that we think that are not important. Okay I think, I have type so long post today and my fingers have started cramped. Okay that’s for today guys i hope you will get some benefits what I have been post today guys.:)
EXPECTATION IN HELPING RELATIONSHIP is a very hot day and when I come to Dr Fa’s class I am already sweat like take a bath. Whew just a luck for me cause Dr Fa are generous enough to borrow her fan . Today Dr Fa teach us about helping relationship to client. In this chapter, Dr Fa teach us about what to expect from helping relationship with client. This section is about to identify some common unrealistic beliefs about the helping process. Dr Fa teach us as a counselor we must keep away this unrealistic belief because this belief can have a negative impact through this counseling process if we keep this unrealistic belief. For example unrealistic belief that helper have is I must solve this client problems, so this kind of belief can effect helper’s emotions and life in a negative way. So Dr Fa says what we must do is we must replace this belief into reasonable one like for example I only help this client to make a decision to solve a problem and not more than that. So what have I can learn from here is in application of our daily life is we must have a reasonable expectation not the unrealistic one.This is because if we have an unrealistic belief that are exceeded with our own capabilities so it will effect us emotionally in negative way if we cant fulfill it. So before we put any expectation we must recognize our weakness and our potential first. After that we must accept that and put a realistic expectation what we want to achieve. Okay that’s all for today guys and just remember a key to have a happy life is to accept everything and always be gratitude in life .Good bye~~~

Monday 12 October 2015

Developing to a Profesional Counselor


After attending the class and learnt about Unit 3, I finally got a more clearer idea about Helper-Helpee relationship. Now I know that a Helper-Helpee relationship is not only beneficial to the helpee but also the helper! The helper can learn something new in every cases because different cases different background of the client and also different point of view. I was really excited by just imagining myself as a profesional counselor.

In this unit, we are also learnt about Perry's Stages. Perry's Stages explain about how a helper develops. In the first stage, The Dualistic or Right/Wrong Stage, trainee often believe that there is only one right way to respond to client's statement or situation. Trainee are facing trouble to focus because they are busy thinking about what to ask next. For myself, I think I still in this phase. I tend to not focusing to the client's statement since I was nervous myself for not knowing what to ask next.

Second stage is The Multiplistic Stage. The helper become comfortable with the knowledge that there is no one right answer at any moment in the helping process.

The third stage is The Relativistic Stage. The trainee at this stage is more relax and cool. He or she know how to give appropriate reason.

I wish I and my fellow friends will be in the third stage before we are starting our second year. Best of luck to all of you!

My first impression in BHS class

Assalamualaikum and hi . I’m Rohayu binti. Ismail . Nice to know all of you. In my opinion, being  a part of student in this class its beneficial in order to improve basic helping skill. As all of you know basic helping skill is very important to increase self confident to communicate with other people. As a counsellor,it is very importance to have self confident, because sometime we might have a client that  have low self confident, in order to motivate them we have to motivate ourselves to be more confident. Furthermore, we can use the skill like listening , empathy,genuine, unconditional positive regard, and another else. In my perception also, learning this can help me to be better counsellor and developed my inter-personality.

Sunday 11 October 2015

Reflect Yourself With Johari Window

When i was in the tutorial room 2 ,Dr Fa introduced us to know ourselves a model of Johari window model ,when I diligently listen to the Dr Fa, I felt Johari window model has really made ​​me wake up and gasped in which I had been too so he 's hiding something  causing harm to myself emotionally disturbed me .

when I tried to make a test Johari window I found I had been carrying the burden of a lot and like the Dr Fa said "we have a beautiful bag , but the bag was used for collecting garbage , when we came across the garbage ,we collect enter into a beautiful bag it , Therefore ,the bag still has no value ,even beautiful because in the bag was filled with a load of rubbish .after understanding this model , I talked to myself that I needed to make changes in me !

quotes for today : 'over the years,we have brought many load without realizing ! momento !

Figure 1 :  The Johari Window

The Johari Window was invented by Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham in the 1950s as a model for mapping personality awareness. .

sources : youtube


Yussaini Amri Bin Ishah


after this friday basic helping skills class, i learn a lot of knowledge and skills as this time is more interesting as we can practice the skills like minimal respond, restate and paraphrase and other...

i do also found that we must keep in mind that we must avoid judgment and must listen , listen and listen and not talk , talk and talk ...

lastly, we do learn Johari window and know that feedback is important!!

quote of the day : IF u never take the first step, then the rate of success is zero ; a perfect zero !!!

Helping skills fighting!

From this class, I learned a lot of helping skills like minimal response, restate, paraphrase, clarifying, checking, reflection and questioning. It was quite interesting when our lecture told us to practice those skills with the people besides us. I think I still need a lot of effort to master those skills. From the class, I also learned that, client will more understand themselves through counsellor after the counselling session. As a good counsellor, we need to experience ourselves to be a client. We need to really knowing what our client saying so that they can trust us.

Agnes Kong Yi Jing 51065

Saturday 10 October 2015

Another skill that are crucial to become a good helper

There are many skills that I learn from my previous class, this skills will make a huge difference if helpers can use it every time they face their client. Another important thing that I got is to make a case notes. This case notes is very important because if something happen to the client, these case notes might be viewed by others such as court or authority. So, be careful on what you write. That's all, thank you.

Muhammad Solihin B Ab Rahaman , 52730.

Friday 9 October 2015

Thank you Basic Helping Skills

After attending classes in basic helping skills last Friday, I realized that to be the best counselor is not easy. This is because counseling is a process. prejudice to process it requires a long time to assist clients in solving the problem. I am very interested in the stories and experiences to share Dr.Fa. Although the class was hot and uncomfortable because of the absence of air conditioning. But I am very grateful to Dr.Fa for taking the time to lend a fan.

Thursday 8 October 2015

love you Basic Helping Skills : ) ^_^

after a few times attended basic helping skills class with Dr.Fa, here i realise that it is not easy to be the best counselor. There are various types of experiences that we will face. In order to be a best counselor i need to understand and and reflect myself first before i dealing with my client. This is very important so that i can help my client when i can understand what is actually their problem. Different client will bring different problem. Hence, counselor need to know all the skills in order to deal with different problem. Here, i also realise that our client have a various types of personality.

Fiona anak Kunang

Never Judge The Book By Its Cover


In previous class, I learnt one theory which is Person Centered Theory. This theory is trying to implement 3 basic elements in counseling session. Congruency, Empathy and Respect. Congruency in simpler meaning according to Dr. Fa is khusyuk. Empathy is the ability to get in others shoes and be able to get out. While Respect is the element that have touch me to the deepest. Respect in other words is unconditional postive regards. this element has taught me not to judge people before we get to know them in person. Our client came from different background. There are many reasons why people are behaving the way they are. basically after attending this class I have learnt to look at people in different point of view. Looking forward to the next class!

Nur Syafiqah Binti Jumadi (53285)

Tuesday 6 October 2015

Keep us in the boundaries

Unit 3 is about the helping relationship. After this lesson, all of the unrealistic beliefs and my wrongly perception about the helping process before had been cleared. Counsellor, an ordinary person too, a professional helper but not the saviour of the world. Just take the responsibility in the part we are but not over the boundaries. We should always know our limitation and boundary whenever we help as well as in doing self disclosure. It is the statement that reveal something personal about the therapist. Ensure that it is for the benefit of the clients and is therapeutic in its intent. If we use it wisely, it can be a useful tool in dealing with something that might initially impact negatively on the therapeutic relationship.

Josephine Lo  52070

Impress again

In unit 2, we had learnt about Dasie model, Person-Centered theory and Cognitive Behavior Therapy. I really like the atmosphere during BHS lesson especially the stories sharing of each others. Every lesson will give me different touching and insight. BHS provides the skills and techniques for us to master in the use of helping process. But somehow in the lesson, i feel like i am the one being helped and being healed most of the time. It helps me to know more about myself, my problems as well as my weakness. However, the words come out from Dr Fa do motivate and comfort us. She always uses her experiences to help us in dealing with ourselves, the people and the things happenning around us.
All of all, we have to start from ourselves first before reaching out to the public.

Josephine Lo  52070

Thank you BHS (basic helping skills)

Through this subject i learn many important things about how to become an effective helper. I think i should know more and better about myself before i go and help others. Actually..i'm afraid i will suddenly open up my client's problem when i'm to excited gossiping with my friends. But here in basic helping skills class teach me about confidential. It's very vital to keep our client's proble safely so that they will trust us. As a counselor, Dr.Fa always tell us her stories and experiences during the counselling session. Her experiences a little bit give a motivation and make me day by day improve myself to be a best counselor in future.

Fiona anak Kunang

Monday 5 October 2015

Relationship Between Helper & Helpee

     Hey guys! In previous lessons we have learned about helping relationship. As a helper, we should have a strong bonding with our clients. But how?? BUILD A TRUST. For sure they will need some time to build a trust on their helper. Some people are really hard to trust others especially an outsider. That's the reason why we should shows our sincerity and make they feel comfortable with us as a helper.
     I can see that people may judged and make many assumptions about us whether in positively or negatively and we do will faced this matter with our clients in the future. But we need to put it aside and try our best to get coped with this situation. If we shows our positive aura, I'm sure that our client can feel it and easily build a good relationship with us. Having a good relationship with others especially with or client also can showed that we are an effective helper. I think i'll stop here. Till then, bye! :)

Alyeca bt. Eric (51158)

If We Help People,God Will help Us

Alhamdulillah, I thanked Allah because I find this  "Basic Helping Skills where I could not meet class where Lecturer someone very positive is our beloved lecturer Dr Fatahyah Yahya.

Before attends to this class I think this class just usual helping class which already integrated inself and consider this class like first aid classbut I wrong on the other hand, class "basic helping skills is class which teaches much further on basic skill help where a lot of people today would like others but way carried out is wrong and not suitable. This is because, less knowledge on skills.Since learn Unit 1 "Helper Effective" I have found 1001 new way to become an effective helper.i would like to borow a words form Dr Fa below;

"if we really sincere towards clientclient will like and love with us"

Sunday 4 October 2015



The end of the 4th class of BHS was undoubtedly a life changing 3-hour class supplement. The magnificence of upholding pious skills in helping relationships are in accord of creating a better environment for Trainee Counselors that are celebrated and eager to push outwards into the society as Helpers that are Forward and Contemporary looking. 
Realizations of unrealistic beliefs and reasonable expectations are implied to oneself as helping ourselves came before helping other people. A clear indicator and knowledge of our own niche areas are essential for creating a better prospect of a helper. The stress on Therapeutic Relationships are indeed game changers and expose the effectiveness in helping. One can encounter various variables of clients and they may some clusters that may touch on self disclosure. However, limited as possible self disclosure are more than enough to put our alms way. The apparent roadblocks to communication can be overcome by overwhelming knowledge of helping skills that are subjective yet applicable to oneself in such positive ways.
In a nutshell, Helping Relationship is the way of applied positive and correct techniques for the betterment of everyone. I invite all of you together be one as a helper and as one helper change one's life.
Thank You

Saturday 3 October 2015

It is totally different !!

After finish the lessons on basic helping skills , i found that it is different from what i thought as i think that being a counselor is more like giving them advise to help them go through their problems but soon i found that it is wrong as a professional counselor ,we just can help them find the ways and we can just lead them to the best way but cant give them order or solutions , the best counselor is doing the less things . 
besides that , i at first think that the best ways to build up trust is by being his/her friends but once again i found that it is wrong as we can only use self-disclosure to introduce ourself and have to clearly understand that it is 1 ways pathways and the counselling sessions is best conducted in the counselling lab .

the most important is the counselor must have a good self -exploration and understand self well as only by knowing self well , then we can help our clients .

Quote of the day - Pain is what u pay , Success is what u get

Be strong, young counsellor!

Today was the 4th class of Basic Helping Skills, we had learnt Unit 3: Helping Relationship. I found a very interesting topic during this class, which was Perry's Stages. There are 3 stages, which are dualistic stage, multiplistic stage and the relativistic stage. In the dualistic stage, the young counsellors like us will tend to fail in focusing to the clients because we will keep thinking what we are going to say next. I found this interesting because I experienced that when I conducting interview with people on my assignment. Dr Fa explained to us that was a normal situation and we need to keep improving to get out of this stage.

Another point I want to highlight is during this class, we had came across a lot of common unrealistic beliefs about the helping process. Dr Fa explained to us we have to know all of this just to keep ourselves always motivated and not to put blame on ourselves after we had tried our best. Yes, we as  counsellors need to help our clients, but at the same time we need to take care of our own feelings too as we are just ordinary human beings. Moreover, if the clients have doubt on our qualification, we don't ever feel down or angry because all we need to do is to serve them professionally to help them overcome their problems. Only after the counselling session, the clients will believe in us and we are able to build our reputation and confidence slowly.

It is all begin with you, if u don't take care and understand yourself, you will not be strong enough to care for others.


Assalamualikum dan salam sejahtera

Before this afternoon class, I really don't know about what counselor can do and can't. There are many things that I thought a counselor can do but actually they can't really do it. Other than that, a counselor just help the client to help themselves. The are not a problem solver but they will help the client to solve the issues together. That's all , thank you.

Muhammad Solihin B Ab Rahaman , 52730 .

Helping Relationship~~

From this class, I knew that if we have no skills, we cannot develop ourselves into a good helper. If client leave drastically, something going wrong with that counselling session. Something that I feel touched is that client will not leave us if they trust us. I also learnt that counselor will get help from helpee. One more important things I learnt from that class is we must understand ourselves first because we can't help others without knowing ourselves. The more we understand ourselves, the more we understand our clients.

AGNES KONG YI JING                   51065

Friday 2 October 2015

Another interesting Chapter

Yesterday we just learned about helping relationship.. well it's not easy to create therapeutic relationship between counselor and counselee.. Now I learnt a lot about what the belief that the counselor should have and what that shouldn't..
-Roy Dilang, 53686

Lesson for today :)

Evening everyone. Today's class were very special because Dr Fa prepared us a big fan because of this hot day. We gained more knowledge today as we learned about helping relationship. As she told us about her experiences through all her old days we gained to know more about helping people with various kind of skills. I summarize today's lessons that we as a counselor,we should not order nor instruct our client to accept our idea but together discuss with them about the best solution so they feel comfortable to do so. Plus,we should strictly avoid asking for confirmation on a divorce case because as a professional counselor,we should show them a right path instead of agree to most of their problem and giving advice to them. Everyone can give an advice but as a counselor,we should torch them a right path. The most important thing,we should know our self before we tend to know others more. Additionally,as a counselor we should not be "poyo" and have a unrealistic belief but a reasonable expectation. Try to get well with the client by using self-disclosure but it has a limit. Well,thats all for today. Thank you

~Nurul Afiqah bt Zekeria (53409)~

Let's Get Started

Hi everyone,
Before entering basic helping skills class, I wonder what is this class all about. The first class was quite tough for me as the class condition was so uncomfortable and eventually it affects my mood to study in this class. But then slowly, I started to learn bit by bit about it and I find out it is kind of interesting where I got to explore myself during the class. As the lecturer share some of the cases happened, the interest of seating and learning in this class started to grow in me.Throughout all the classes I have entered, slowly the passion to help people started to bloom in me and I hope it will continue to bloom for the rest of my days so let's get started!

Felicia Cosmas 50508

Thursday 1 October 2015


It very happy to see many posting keep coming up day by day.  I was reading all posting and trying to understand every single words that you have written down.  Keep blogging and sharing..:) - Dr Fa