Friday 18 September 2015

second class of basic helping skills..

Hi..good morning, is very interesting class. I like the stories that Dr.Fa tell us. Through her story I realize that be a counselor is not that easy as people think. Before this, I also think that a counselor is just giving an advise to client so that they feel light. The fact is counselor is an important person such as a torchlight to show their client which way to follow in order to exit from problem. Unit 1: EFFECTIVE HELPER. Like what Dr.Fa says there are three types of helper which are Non-Professionals,Para-Professionals and Professional. Guess what??? Counselor is categorize in Professional Helper. That's why a counseling students study for four years whereby we will learn all the skills,therapies and psychologies because we are dealing with emotion. After this I need to control my own emotion so that I can help my client professionally. Counselors to patient k, I feel that this is a great job!! we will dealing with HUMAN not MACHINE.


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