Saturday 19 September 2015

My thought about basic helping skills class

Assalamualaikum and hello to all readers. I have learned something useful after attending two classes of basic helping skills about helping. There are three types of helper, non-professionals helper, paraprofessional helper and professional helper. However, in our lives it does not matter who you are we have a responsibility in a society to help other people. It is very crucial in our lives to connect and try to lend hand to people who needs it without even expecting something in return. Thus, I asked myself if I able to help people earnestly and unconditionally? Beforehand, I took lightly about counsellor's job and thought it was the easiest job. After further explanations and experiences enlightened from our lecturer, Dr Fah , regarding to counsellor's job, I started to think seriously about this course because it is involving commitment and willingness to help people. So I somehow thought to myself, am I suitable or fit with this course, I had doubt to myself. In my humble opinion, help yourself before helping others. How are you going to help others if you can’t even help yourself? Ask yourself, have a self-analysis and an introspection to know what exactly you are. Hence, do some positive improvement to yourself. Anyway, I hope I can do a reflection toward myself and know myself better in order to help those in needs.

Norleen Binti Gapor (53022)

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