Tuesday 22 September 2015

Basic Helping Skills is fun :)

The next class for a new week. This second class is still progressing even though its kinda hot since the air-conditioner were not fully working. Its about helper and helpee. Are you a helper or helpee? Its both right? Same goes to me. Are you an effective helper nor helpee? Its you yourself who can determine it. During this second class,we were taught about an effective helper. We tend to get to know more about how a counselor can help his/her client to solve their problem and show them a right path. I believe everyone can be a counselor but how well u are it depends on how well u can help ur client based on this basic helping skills. Lots of skills can be used. The most important thing we should make them feel comfortable with us. Build a relationship with them so that they will feel ease to share their problem to us. Then together with them we try to find the solution. Thats how we guide them to help them be in a right path. Moreover,being a counselor is not just helping them as they pay us but its more than that. I found helping people can make me feel happy as it is a good deed though and see them happy make me happy too. Try it out! Helping people sincerely without hoping for anything. You will find its fun. Thats all that i can share as im still learning. Well,learning never end :)

~ Nurul Afiqah bt Zekeria (53409) ~

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