Wednesday 23 September 2015

3rd class of Basic Helping Skills

Today was the third class of basic helping skills. We had learnt Unit 2- Model and Theories. During the class, Dr Fa explained the differences between EMPATHY and SYMPATHY. To be honest, I will sympathize with the needy easily. After the class, I knew that to be a counsellor, we cannot be too emotional, because this would not be helpful to our clients. Like Dr Fa shared to us, we have to know how to take the balance between empathy and sympathy in order to be a professional counsellor. So, starting from today, I will try to understand people's feeling but in the same time I will not get too deep into the sad feelings.

I really enjoyed listening to the stories shared by Dr Fa, I found that I could learn a lot from the stories. Just like today, Dr Fa mentioned that when we want to get to know the stories of others, after asking them, we should try our best to heal their wounds back, because they would be hurt again when sharing their stories with us, if we do not heal their wounds back, they will be left alone with all the sad incidents.

Feeling satisfied after attending the class, the more we learn, the more we get, the more affection and love towards counselling.


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