Monday 21 September 2015

Love Basic Helping Skills!

Hi everyone! Last Friday, we had our basic helping skills class with Dr Fa. Dr Fa had taught us on the concepts and skills to be an effective helper. After the class, I realised that the helping process sometimes might not really effective for the helpee, so whenever we want to lend a hand to others, we need to consider his or her conditions first, whether he or she is willing to accept our assistance or not. The most important thing is we need to help anyone with our sincere heart, without hoping to get pay back after that. This is because professional help is a one way process giving by professional counsellors to their clients.

Furthermore, I'm really surprised on the cases that Dr Fa had shared to us. I felt sad after listening to the stories and I really hope that the clients would be able to lead a better life after the counselling sessions. I realised that in the coming future, I might deal with different kinds of cases and I have to prepare myself with professional knowledge starting from now. Dr Fa had changed my perspective on counsellor, being a counsellor is not just simply be a listener and helper. Hopefully all of us can follow the right footsteps and we can achieve our targets in the coming days.

Lee May Fen


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