Wednesday 30 September 2015

Change the way you think.

I said hi to my friend but she didn't reply me. She even walked faster passing me. "Oh, maybe she's late to class and in rush. Or maybe she has stomach ache and she wants to go to toilet badly." I said to myself. (Cognitive Behavior Therapy applied)

Cognitive Behavior Therapy helps me to change the way I think and interpret events in my live. Before this, even just a little problem can give me anxiety thinking about it. Thanks to this class and Dr Fa as I learned CBT from this class. 

The sequel to my story,

The other day, she came to me and said sorry for ignoring me. Her proposal was rejected by the lecturer and she felt down for that and all she wanted to do was crying. And that's why she rushed to the toilet and didn't reply my hi. 

Alhamdulillah our friendship is not affected. 

With love,
Ummikhaira Sofea binti Jaafar (50994)

Helping is Happiness

Assalamualaikum and hi guys. Helping is happiness.I find a great sense of happiness for being able to help.And this subject help me to improve my skill to help.When i first enter this class,i love to hear the cases that are being told by the lecturer.I feel so excited to be one of the professional helper.I cant wait to graduate and to become a real counsellor. But yes, 4 years is a long way to go and i will surely get a lot of benefit from this subject.And lastly, i would to say that this is one of the most interesting subject in my first year of semester 1.
Nur Najiha Abdul Majid 53245

passion - obstacle = success

Hello everybody. Seems like I'm a little bit late for the posting but never mind. I would like to share about classes that I had gone through this September. Well, during the first class, its a quite challenging. not because of the subject but the circumstances. As a counsellor (trainee), its can be said as one of our first 'mental exam' to stay focus in the class with our lecturer. The weather was haze and it was so hot in the class. Gladly, our lecturer successfully got our attention and the class proceed till end. It was really fun. We were introduced more clearly about this course and how important it was. Last but not least, everybody can be a counsellor, but not everybody can be professional.
~mirmie: change to be better not change to be other~
Amie Nursyuhadah Binti Mohammad Zamzuri (51166)

Saturday 26 September 2015

Effective Helper!

Assalamualaikum and hai. I want to share something since that I become excited to type it off. Effective helper for me in my own understanding after enjoying the class is that we as a counsellor to be must alert to confidentiality purpose of our client. As we are a professional helper so it would be 1 way helping process. The helpee only perceived help from the helper on the other hand the helper cannot received help from the helpee.
Azlan bin Andika 51299

Learning a New Skills

Hey guys! 23 September 2015 is our third BHS class and its getting more fun as we learn a new skills in helping other people. So far I can see that its quite easy to apply all the skills that we have learn in our daily life if we are a real helper. Every single skills that we have learn is really meaningful and important as it is a guide line for us to be a good counselor. I feel really grateful and I can considered that we are lucky to be the chosen one for studying this subject. Although it's kind of hot in the class, but seriously I can't wait for the next class and can't wait to learn a new unit!

Alyeca Eric (51158)

Thursday 24 September 2015

Pressure build Diamond !!

After attended the Basic Helping Skills class , i learnt a lot of way to build up relationship as according to Barmmer ,there is 2 phases and 8 stages in conducting a helping process. This really help me a lot when i conducting interview with other people on assignment kmc 1013 . Besides that , i also understand that what is different helper and helpee ... Just after the second class,i wonder why i puts the answer not sure in the feedback ??

Besides that , after the 3 class of BHS , i learn DASIE model and some therapies  like Person-centered therapy which focus on the empathy , respect and congruency ; and the Cognitive -behaviour therapy on mainly focus on what we think positively ...

 lastly , i would like to share about some things on Dr Ivan Joseph said : there is no magic button , there only have a button called repetition , and guys don't bait up just after some failure , be persistant and don't lose self-believes in yourself ... u can do it !!


-Sim Chia Wei (53820)

Wednesday 23 September 2015


hi..have a good day today..


After attend this class and learn about model and theories it is sound interesting to me. DASIE model and PERSON-CENTERED THEORY is important for the first beginner to be applied by counselor during counseling session. Like what Dr. Fa told, to be a professional counselor we cannot be emotional. Besides, empathy need to use more rather than sympathy. Honestly, before this I was very quickly feel sympathized to others that need need helps. From now on I will try to put the empathy, respect and congruency in myself so that I can help clients professionally.


Can't wait for another class!

Hi everyone! I've learned about what is the differences between helper and an effective helper.. All of us can be a helper.. I believe every human in this world are born with their own helping skills.. about the class, I just can't wait to have another class.. recently we just learned about model and theory in counselling.. we could apply the model or theory when conduct a counselling sessions which is very helpful to me.. next week we will move to the unit 3 which is about helping relationship.. I eager to know what stage is next because I found this subject are interesting to learn!..
- Roy Anak Dilang

3rd class of Basic Helping Skills

Today was the third class of basic helping skills. We had learnt Unit 2- Model and Theories. During the class, Dr Fa explained the differences between EMPATHY and SYMPATHY. To be honest, I will sympathize with the needy easily. After the class, I knew that to be a counsellor, we cannot be too emotional, because this would not be helpful to our clients. Like Dr Fa shared to us, we have to know how to take the balance between empathy and sympathy in order to be a professional counsellor. So, starting from today, I will try to understand people's feeling but in the same time I will not get too deep into the sad feelings.

I really enjoyed listening to the stories shared by Dr Fa, I found that I could learn a lot from the stories. Just like today, Dr Fa mentioned that when we want to get to know the stories of others, after asking them, we should try our best to heal their wounds back, because they would be hurt again when sharing their stories with us, if we do not heal their wounds back, they will be left alone with all the sad incidents.

Feeling satisfied after attending the class, the more we learn, the more we get, the more affection and love towards counselling.


Tuesday 22 September 2015

Basic Helping Skills is fun :)

The next class for a new week. This second class is still progressing even though its kinda hot since the air-conditioner were not fully working. Its about helper and helpee. Are you a helper or helpee? Its both right? Same goes to me. Are you an effective helper nor helpee? Its you yourself who can determine it. During this second class,we were taught about an effective helper. We tend to get to know more about how a counselor can help his/her client to solve their problem and show them a right path. I believe everyone can be a counselor but how well u are it depends on how well u can help ur client based on this basic helping skills. Lots of skills can be used. The most important thing we should make them feel comfortable with us. Build a relationship with them so that they will feel ease to share their problem to us. Then together with them we try to find the solution. Thats how we guide them to help them be in a right path. Moreover,being a counselor is not just helping them as they pay us but its more than that. I found helping people can make me feel happy as it is a good deed though and see them happy make me happy too. Try it out! Helping people sincerely without hoping for anything. You will find its fun. Thats all that i can share as im still learning. Well,learning never end :)

~ Nurul Afiqah bt Zekeria (53409) ~

My first class in week one

Hye. I just want to share about my first basic helping skill class. The first time I entered the class,i just hope the class was not bored and fun to learn. Fortunately it was fun. Our class lecturer,Dr Fa was amazing. She is the coolest lecturer so far. For week one,she just simply introduce the course outlines for the whole sem. She makes you like the subject. During our first class,there was someone who bravely talk about his past. He put his fully trust on us. Therefore,Dr Fa explained that as a counsellor,we have to gain trust from our client to cope with them. As she explained about it, i began to like this class and put a lot of interest in it. Well, i have lots of things to learn to be a great counsellor and this class can help me. Therefore im looking forward for this class. :)

~Nurul Afiqah bt Zekeria (53409)~

Monday 21 September 2015

Love Basic Helping Skills!

Hi everyone! Last Friday, we had our basic helping skills class with Dr Fa. Dr Fa had taught us on the concepts and skills to be an effective helper. After the class, I realised that the helping process sometimes might not really effective for the helpee, so whenever we want to lend a hand to others, we need to consider his or her conditions first, whether he or she is willing to accept our assistance or not. The most important thing is we need to help anyone with our sincere heart, without hoping to get pay back after that. This is because professional help is a one way process giving by professional counsellors to their clients.

Furthermore, I'm really surprised on the cases that Dr Fa had shared to us. I felt sad after listening to the stories and I really hope that the clients would be able to lead a better life after the counselling sessions. I realised that in the coming future, I might deal with different kinds of cases and I have to prepare myself with professional knowledge starting from now. Dr Fa had changed my perspective on counsellor, being a counsellor is not just simply be a listener and helper. Hopefully all of us can follow the right footsteps and we can achieve our targets in the coming days.

Lee May Fen


Path way to become a professional counselor~

From the BHS class, I learned that there are a number of basic helping skills that a counselor must practice and master in order to build rapport, foster trust and facilitate constructive collaboration. In addition, from the sharing experience of lecturer, i knew that counselor needs to cooperate with others aspects, like polices, law firms and the legal system. It was quite interesting to hear the sharing experience from lecturer. Besides that, I learned that to be a professional helper is not an easy way but we are now under training and hopefully I will qualify to become a professional counselor in the future.

By Agnes Kong Yi Jing 51065

Sunday 20 September 2015

Helper or Helpee?

In unit 1, I have learnt about the effective helper and how can we give effective help through series of helping phases and stages. Yesterday I had my philosophy principle of counseling assignment work in Kuching downtown which involve interview session with respondents. Some technique like the Helping Phase I (Building the Relationship ) that learn from this BHS class is important to develop the trust of others toward us to be interviewed. While carrying out the interview session, I do find out many of them having problems whether external or internal who really in need of listening ears and advices from someone who are trustworthy. In fact, after finish the first tutorial lesson with the sharing of Dr Fa cases experience, somehow I felt that it’s really a long tough journey, difficulty strike in neither personal capacity nor intelligence level, but the inner struggling with your own self. In the helping process, seem like one-sided benefit, but I believe it’s mutual indeed. Gain come after loss simultaneously.

Helper or Helpee...?  Hmm..Just wanna be a blessing to the others.

Josephine Lo Jing Wen

Basic Helping Skills is Around Us

Hey everyone! Basic Helping Skills is near to everyone but the diffrence is whether you are an effective helper or not. I've never knew it before untill I attend this class. So far, this subject attract my attention because what we've learn in this class can be apply in our daily life and routine. What Dr.Fa says is true, that is if we're a real helper we will help someone spontaneously without asking him or her for our help. Ask for me, i'm willing to help other people without any repay because by helping others I felt that i've just save their day! But of course you need to be sincere as a helper. By the way, I do like it when Dr.Fa open her old casses and experiences as a counselor. As she narrates it, I kept on wondering whether I can be a good counselor in the future. Ok, I think i'll stop here and i'll make my update next time. Till then, bye!

Alyeca Eric (51158)

Saturday 19 September 2015

My thought about basic helping skills class

Assalamualaikum and hello to all readers. I have learned something useful after attending two classes of basic helping skills about helping. There are three types of helper, non-professionals helper, paraprofessional helper and professional helper. However, in our lives it does not matter who you are we have a responsibility in a society to help other people. It is very crucial in our lives to connect and try to lend hand to people who needs it without even expecting something in return. Thus, I asked myself if I able to help people earnestly and unconditionally? Beforehand, I took lightly about counsellor's job and thought it was the easiest job. After further explanations and experiences enlightened from our lecturer, Dr Fah , regarding to counsellor's job, I started to think seriously about this course because it is involving commitment and willingness to help people. So I somehow thought to myself, am I suitable or fit with this course, I had doubt to myself. In my humble opinion, help yourself before helping others. How are you going to help others if you can’t even help yourself? Ask yourself, have a self-analysis and an introspection to know what exactly you are. Hence, do some positive improvement to yourself. Anyway, I hope I can do a reflection toward myself and know myself better in order to help those in needs.

Norleen Binti Gapor (53022)

BHS, rock!

   We had our first lecture class on 18/9/2015. Though the class was so hot as the air-conditional system broke down, we did enjoyed our class. I realized that the class was really interesting and made me enjoyed it very much due to the attracting stories and experiences Dr Fa shared to us. She gave me an insight that it's not easy to help people as we cannot help others based on our mood ; we have to help them sincerely from the bottom of our hearts. Moreover, to become a professional helper in the future, I have to offer help in one way,which is I should not hope for the repay. Besides, the lecture class also impressed me as it was the first time I asked question in class after becoming a university student. I feel nervous to ask questions in front of the course mates and lecturer who are still considered new to me. However, I felt good as Dr Fa answered and explained to my question thoroughly and sincerely. It was a good try and I hope that my courage will slowly be improved in this class.
BHS (basic helping skills) , rock!

Hii Hui Neng (Lily)

Getting To Know More About Counseling

Assalamualaikum and good morning !

I want to shared my experienced about Dr. Fa class last week. At first, I still don't know what counselling is about. I only get the general view counselling is about helping people like we hear about their problem and try to find the solution. But, after I attend Dr. Fa class last week and we start to learn unit 1 ( Effective Helper ) my view about counselling getting more bigger and I realise counselling is not just about helping people but more than it. Like Dr. Fa say, as a counsellor we need to work with many people and it not only about me and my customer. That all for today and I will update again next week. Byeeee..

Friday 18 September 2015

second class of basic helping skills..

Hi..good morning, is very interesting class. I like the stories that Dr.Fa tell us. Through her story I realize that be a counselor is not that easy as people think. Before this, I also think that a counselor is just giving an advise to client so that they feel light. The fact is counselor is an important person such as a torchlight to show their client which way to follow in order to exit from problem. Unit 1: EFFECTIVE HELPER. Like what Dr.Fa says there are three types of helper which are Non-Professionals,Para-Professionals and Professional. Guess what??? Counselor is categorize in Professional Helper. That's why a counseling students study for four years whereby we will learn all the skills,therapies and psychologies because we are dealing with emotion. After this I need to control my own emotion so that I can help my client professionally. Counselors to patient k, I feel that this is a great job!! we will dealing with HUMAN not MACHINE.


First day is my first impression

Assalamualaikum and good night I bid to all. Just want to share about my first day of Basic Helping Skills. We have a great lecturer Dr. Fah. She was a counsellor in Negeri Sembilan. Like other lecturer she start the lesson with ice breaking activity where we introduce ourself to the class.Then Dr. Fah explain to us about the course. Seriously for the first time I expect that the subject going to be boring and dry. But as Dr. Fah told us that the subject does not have any writing or based on paper exam. So I am a little bit relief hearing that. However the subject is not to take for granted where we must take it seriously and commit for it. Because it is the basic skill to be a counsellor and to help the client. Dr. Fah said that we work as the guide for the client where our duty is to show them the way out and its up to them either follow the way or not. I am glad to start the first unit. Azlan bin Andika 51299

Thursday 17 September 2015