Monday 14 December 2015

Well well well.. Finally we finish our lectures on Basic Helping Skills.. Times move quickly isn't it?.. Oh I really enjoyed my lectures.. I found that this subject is the most favorite subject of mine.. It is really interesting to learn some essentials skills to be a future counselor someday. During the first lectures, our lecturer, Dr Fa have giving me a really good impression about this course.. I adore the way she teaches us during her lectures because she giving some examples that relevant to a topic that we are learnt in class.. I also love the idea of creating this blog actually! We can post our opinion about this course and share our experience in class here.. It clearly different from other classes.. For the live sessions which is considered as our final exam, I totally learnt a new experience.. Dr Fa said that it is a good sign for us if we are having a great sympathy towards client when they cry in the counselling session for the first time.. i just can't describe my feeling and emotion during the live session.. I felt something that I never felt before.. If you asking me how many star I give to rate this course, I will give it FIVE STAR!!!! Plus, I very comfortable with Dr Fa's teaching methods. She is one of the best and friendly lecturer out there! Can't wait to see her again in the next semester for the personality development!!
 - Thanks Dr Fa, meet you in the next semester

-Roy Anak Dilang, 53686

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoy your individual assignment. Keep smiling Roy..:)
