Monday 14 December 2015

Final post ^.^

 After about 14 weeks of classes with Dr Fa learning on Basic helping skills, i really learnt a lot, i still remember the first week, Dr Fa asked us to rate about this course and the class and i rate not sure, but if time can reverse, i will definitely choose i like this course as this is easiest and funniest class as no stress faced during lessons but is the experience that i gained. I sincerely thank Dr Fa for teaches us about the model of counselling as well as shared with us the experience handling the special cases. It all is like just happened when i flashback the memory. I really looking forward to join the next class on next semester, on class personality development.

 Thank to Dr Fa again for making me who i am now, a better person in counselling as well as life.  

Bye see you next semester. ^.^

To juniors, counselling is a fun and interesting course but there is also have it pain , but you must know how to enjoy it and stay with it. All the best to U all.

Quote of the day  - People don't care what you know , until they know you care about them.

1 comment:

  1. Great to have you both in my class Sim & May Fen. I really inspired your positive energy..:)
