Monday 14 December 2015

Time to Say Goodbye..

   I had my live helping session on 9/12/2015. Before that, I felt really stress and super nervous as I afraid I cannot do it well.
   However, on that day, I felt calm and peace in me after my silent prayer to God. During the session, I only focused on my client and did it step by step according to what Dr. Fa has taught me. I felt super relief after the session. 
   I appreciate Dr. Fa to what she had taught me for this whole semester. I also feel that this course is quite fun and I enjoyed it very much.

Hii Hui Neng (Lily)
Well well well.. Finally we finish our lectures on Basic Helping Skills.. Times move quickly isn't it?.. Oh I really enjoyed my lectures.. I found that this subject is the most favorite subject of mine.. It is really interesting to learn some essentials skills to be a future counselor someday. During the first lectures, our lecturer, Dr Fa have giving me a really good impression about this course.. I adore the way she teaches us during her lectures because she giving some examples that relevant to a topic that we are learnt in class.. I also love the idea of creating this blog actually! We can post our opinion about this course and share our experience in class here.. It clearly different from other classes.. For the live sessions which is considered as our final exam, I totally learnt a new experience.. Dr Fa said that it is a good sign for us if we are having a great sympathy towards client when they cry in the counselling session for the first time.. i just can't describe my feeling and emotion during the live session.. I felt something that I never felt before.. If you asking me how many star I give to rate this course, I will give it FIVE STAR!!!! Plus, I very comfortable with Dr Fa's teaching methods. She is one of the best and friendly lecturer out there! Can't wait to see her again in the next semester for the personality development!!
 - Thanks Dr Fa, meet you in the next semester

-Roy Anak Dilang, 53686

Final post ^.^

 After about 14 weeks of classes with Dr Fa learning on Basic helping skills, i really learnt a lot, i still remember the first week, Dr Fa asked us to rate about this course and the class and i rate not sure, but if time can reverse, i will definitely choose i like this course as this is easiest and funniest class as no stress faced during lessons but is the experience that i gained. I sincerely thank Dr Fa for teaches us about the model of counselling as well as shared with us the experience handling the special cases. It all is like just happened when i flashback the memory. I really looking forward to join the next class on next semester, on class personality development.

 Thank to Dr Fa again for making me who i am now, a better person in counselling as well as life.  

Bye see you next semester. ^.^

To juniors, counselling is a fun and interesting course but there is also have it pain , but you must know how to enjoy it and stay with it. All the best to U all.

Quote of the day  - People don't care what you know , until they know you care about them.

Monday 7 December 2015

Live Session of the Basic Helping Skills

These are the pictures I managed to captured during the live session the Basic Helping Skills. 
Well Done Guys..!!
Thank you to all for the initiative of making this blogging alive. I do really enjoy all the posting. Goof job and I shall see you guys next semester in Personality Development class..:)

I feel nervous for my final exam for this subject. i hope that i can do the best. i have try many times a role play with my friends in collage but i stuck. so wish luck for all. do the best for our final.
nursilah binti kapiten
From this subject i learn a lot of techniques that can be apply in live session. more over, i also learn what a good questions to ask the client to make them feel that i really feel what they have face. while attending this class i dont feel sleepy because Dr.Fa have a good skill to make her students focus and interested with what she shared.

learned how to deal with others

I learned a lot of things from this subject. especially how  to approach with community and how to deal with people. this subject actually related with other subjects which is theory of counselling and philosophy and principal of counselling.
Nursilah binti kapiten

Sunday 6 December 2015

A Round Up of BHS

After week in and week out of lessons about Basic Helping Skills, I learned that helping one another towards a better goal of life orientated by true sincerity and equipped skills are much as important as having a daily intake for our body. However, we, counselors are for the mind buisness that is also essential for the liberty of health and  achieving a better way of life.
Thank You BHS for the invaluable learning.


Last Friday, 4th of December, I participated in a role play. My counselor was Mr. Sim and i bought up an issue which seemingly interest the class to silence. I bought up an issue about my life experience which was having a eventually confessed to a girl that I have crushed on for over 5Years. The issue that bought me up into dilemma was about her response. Behind her smile was a seemingly less confidence that hides the fact she is insincere in her speaking.
That bought me up in dilemma.
Hence, after sharing with Mr. Sim and the whole class I felt much better.
It is undeniable that BHS has an effective way of helping people and a noble subject to learn.